Thank You...

I'm not the kind of guy that votes or really gets behind political figures. It's not that I don't want to, in fact I really do. It's just that there hasn't been anyone that I've felt was, well, good enough to represent me. I mean that's what I'm voting for, right, some to represent me and my ideas. Well, that just might have changed and I want to thank Barack Obama for it. So, here it goes. Thank you Barack Obama for finally giving me a reason to get off my ass and vote. Thank you for making me feel that if you're put into office that you will be there to serve the American people and bring a greatly, dare I say it, needed change to this country. Thank you for standing up and not taking shit, believing in something, and fighting back in a respectful yet still forceful "don't fuck with me" manner. Now, I don't agree with everything you've said (not that I've met anyone in my life where I've agreed with everything they've said) and I would have to say that there some things that I don't agree with you at all, but thank you for making that ok. Thank you for making me feel that if I ever got to sit down and talk with you that you'd actually hear me. What I want to thank you the most for is giving me hope. Hope that we the people of America would be getting a great leader that we should have had all these years. I know you haven't been elected yet and you very well might not be (I can still hope though). Who knows maybe someone will show you this and you'll see that you've inspired at least one more person to finally make his voice heard. Thank you for that.